BeZhare to Japan

Give moral support to our brothers in Japan to be able to bounce back. Stay strong and steadfast in the face of temptation.

BeZhare: Know Substitution Year In Japan

By the turn of the year, in general the Japanese began to busy with various events. BeZhare want to share about Japanese New Year to likened with 'holiday' annual. Some agenda began writing, be it within the scope of the work environment, family or individual.

One of the traditions or customs that held a few companies or associations of organizations in Japan which was held around the end of December, before the yearbook cover. The meaning of the terminology seen from the kanji written, "bonenkai" has the meaning: Party / collection to forget the years (old).

To succeed in this bonenkai event, usually one person will be appointed as 'Kanji' who served as coordinator, coordinate events, make reservations and contact the people who will participate in the event.
Activities of people who will 'go home' began to be seen passing around the station or congested city roads by vehicles queuing to be going home.
See here for more..
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BeZhare: Yukata Typical Japanese Clothing

One typical clothing Yukata Japanese society is, let BeZhare know more about the clothes.

Yukata (浴衣) is a type of non-formal Japanese kimono made from thin cotton fabric without coating. Yukata term literally means: clothes after a bath. Used for casual occasions in summer (Natsu).
The term of this Yukata born since around the time of Azuchi-Momoyama. Starting from the clothes worn after the bath, called Yukatabira. In the Edo period, Yukatabira become very popular among the people and the name was shortened to just Yukata. In ancient times, wearing Yukata to meet other people is considered very rude, considering that only Yukata function as sleepwear.

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BeZhare: Those Who Don't Know Who Machiko Hasegawa is

For those not familiar as the name Hasegawa Machiko may be wondering, who is she? Here BeZhare give you know.

It is the first Japanese female Manga writer who lives in the 1920 ~ 1992. One of Hasegawa's famous and much-loved by the people of Japan are Mangaka "Sazae-san."

Sazae-san picture story, first published in the Asahi Shinbun media. By targeting a story that describes life as a wife Sazae hilarious, this story became popular among Japanese people. It is a manga with the broadcast rising long enough ie 25 years. This story is getting popular when I started aired in the form of glass screen by NHK around 1969.

Sample of Her Manga

At first, manga Sazae-san in less than public acclaim. Because the visits are less attractive packaging. After two times through the changes in print, this comic finally starts to peep. The original manga Sazae length, changed into a pocket-sized form of the book is easy to carry anywhere.

1st Debut Manga from Her
Sazae figure created when Hasegawa was walking along the beach. No wonder if the names that appear in this comic ¨ C especially in the family Sazae-san - always connected with the sea. For instance, the father named Namihei, fune mother, husband Matsuo, younger brother Katsuo, cool women Wakame and son Tarao.

Age 72 years, Hasegawa who remain single until the end of his life, last breath of a heart attack. As a token of his love of all time by the public, giving the Japanese Goverment Awards "Kokumin Eiyoushou." Such awards star, symbol of state pride.

There is a horrendous incident after he died. That is theft pochi containing ashes and bones from the tomb Hasegawa. The thief demanded a ransom money in large quantities in the family. After tracking of the thief, Hasegawa ash is found in one area of Shibuya coin locker. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article was written and circulated by Guntur Suhada on BeZhare from source of Wikipedia to your knowledge, please do not take and pass on any sites without the knowledge of this site. Or if necessary, you can pass it on any site to include the name of the author of this article. We appreciate the authenticity of writings that we make here. Thank you for your attention.
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BeZhare: Origin of Samurai History

Surely you are familiar with the name of the Samurai, the Samurai is a weapon unique to Japan which was in use for warfare in the days of yore and is a symbol of Japanese society itself.
To know more history about the Samurai, it helps you read the article below that BeZhare write it, which may increase your knowledge.

The term Samurai (侍), was originally referred to "a person who served the nobility." In the Nara era (710-784), the term is pronounced and then became Saburai saburau. In addition there is also another term that refers to the bushi samurai. The term bushi (武士) meaning "one who is armed / military people", first appeared in the Shoku Nihongi (続 日本 纪), on the note was written "in general, the people and the warriors (bushi) is a state treasure." Then the next term and bushi samurai became synonymous in the late 12th century (Kamakura period). In the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573 - 1600) and early Edo period (1603), the term Saburai turned into a samurai who later changed meaning to "those who serve."

- Samurai History
In the military historical records in Japan, there is data that describes that the Nara era (710-784), Japanese military forces following the existing models in China by imposing mandatory militer9 and under the direct command of the Emperor. The regulation imposed is every adult male both from the farmers and nobles, except slaves, are required to attend military service. The material is very heavy regulation, because the representatives or the military should equip themselves so much to give up material and does not comply with these regulations. In addition, also at that time the farmers were also burdened taxpayers heavy enough so that they escape from this obligation. Forces are then formed from the draft is known as sakimori (防 人), which literally means "defender", but the army has nothing to do with samurai who is on the next day.

After 794 years, when the capital moved from Nara to Heian (Kyoto), the nobility enjoyed during the past 150 years of prosperity under the reign of the emperor. However, local governments established by the central government put pressure on the majority of the population are farmers. A very heavy tax raises rebellion in these areas, and require small farmers to join the landlords who have influence to obtain a larger income. Due to the unsafe state of the country, looting against landlords ensued both in the region and in the capital that forced the owners shoen (private property), arming families and farmers. These conditions which gave birth to the military class known as samurai.

Toryo Group (warlord) under the leadership of Taira and Minamoto families emerged as a winner in Japan, the West and East, but they each other for power. The central government, in this case the Fujiwara family, unable to cope with this polarization, which resulted in termination of power of the nobility.

Emperor Gonjo known anti-Fujiwara, held a power struggle and concentrate political power of the o-tera, known as insei Seiji. Emperor Shirakawa, emperor replace Gonjo finally made the o-tera as a political headquarters. The wily, he took advantage o-tera as a function of religious and political functions.

Army guards o-tera, souhei (僧 兵) ever he forms, including a donation of land (shoen) on o-tera. Was complete o-tera qualify as "state" in the country. As a result, anti-government groups o emperor who held the resistance-tera by utilizing the Taira and Minamoto groups that are fighting.

2 type of Samurai
Taira and Minamoto involvement in this dispute background on the unrest that occurred in court concerning the seizure of the throne, between the Fujiwara and the emperor's pro and KOTRA against o-tera. The war between the Minamoto, who sided with o-tera against the Taira, who sided with the court, appearing in two big battles which Hogen War (1156) and the Heiji War (1159).
The battle finally won by the Taira that marks a major change in the structure of political power. For the first time, the samurai emerged as a political force in the palace.

Taira also appoint himself as kuge (公家 - royal kingdom), as well as strengthen its position samurai. Most of his family given the important position and was crowned as royalty.

Taira family pride eventually led to a high-level political conspiracy between the Minamoto family (which has the support of the aristocracy) to the emperor Shirakawa, which eventually led the Minamoto family founded the first military government in Kamakura (Kamakura Bakufu; from 1192 to 1333).

When Minamoto Yoritomo died in 1199, power was taken over by the Hojo family who are followers of Taira. During the leadership of the Hojo family (1199 -1336), the teachings of Zen in and developed among the samurai. The samurai express Zen as a philosophy and guide their lives.

In 1274, the Mongols came to attack Japan. The samurai who are not accustomed to fighting in groups with an effort to anticipate the attacks of the Mongols. To anticipate the attacks of the Mongols of the second (1281), the samurai build defensive walls in Hakata bay (beach landings Mongolian nation) and adopt the tactics of attack tonight. Overall, a tactic to fight the samurai was not able to provide a means for the destruction of the Mongol army, which uses large-scale siege tactics, fast motion, and use new weapons (with the use of gunpowder). In the end, wind topanlah which destroyed the Mongol fleet, and prevent the Mongols to occupy Japan. The Japanese call it kamikaze wind (wind god).

Two things are gained from the invasion of the Mongols is the importance of mobilization of troops on a large scale infantry, cavalry and weaknesses of the bow in the face of an attacker. As a result, samurai gradually replace the bow-arrow with a "sword" as the main weapon of the samurai. At the beginning of the 14th century, swords and spears became the main weapon among warlords.

Samurai Warrior

In the Muromachi period (1392 - 1573), stained with the Kyoto palace splitting into two, namely the North Palace in Kyoto and the South Palace in Nara. Over 60 years of bitter dispute between the North Palace against the South Palace (nambokuchō tairitsu).

This contradiction gives the impact of the stronger position of the farmers and local landowners (Shugo daimyo) and the weakness of the Ashikaga shogunate in central government. At this time, Ashikaga can not control the local daimyo. They reinforce each other's position and power in their respective territories.

Each Han13 as if bound in a small states threaten each other. This situation gave birth to the long crisis in the form of war between local landlords or Sengoku jidai (1568-1600). But this long crisis is really a crystallization screening or national unifying figure, the figure who could subjugate local landlords, as well as unite Japan as a "national state" under a strong central government. These figures are General Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Nobunaga Oda, a descendant of the daimyo of Owari region and an expert on military strategy, begin to destroy their enemies by means mastering Kinai region, ie Osaka as a commercial center, Kobe as a gateway of trade with foreign countries, Nara which is the "rice granary", and Kyoto is the center of the Muromachi Bakufu government and the imperial court.

The most important strategy is Oda Nobunaga engaged with the involvement of religion to achieve his ambition. Portuguese traders who brought the Christian religion, was given the freedom to spread the religion throughout Japan. Oda strategic objective in this case is that he is freely able to obtain firearms are bought and sold in a Portuguese trading ships, as well as monopolize trade with foreign parties. With the possession of firearms (the most sophisticated in those days), Oda will be able to subdue its enemies more quickly and maintain the territory that they have learned and formed a solid central government.

Oda Nobubunaga Azuchi Momoyama castle built in 1573 after successfully dropping the Muromachi Bakufu. Oda Strategy by protecting the Christian religion brought heartache for Buddhists. In the end, he was murdered by his own followers, Akechi Mitsuhide, a Buddhist fanatic, in 1582 in Honnoji, before he managed to unify all of Japan.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who is a loyal follower Oda, continue the unification of Japan, and its task is completed in 1590 by conquering the Hojo family in Odawara and family in Kyushu Shimaru three years earlier.

There are two important rules issued by Toyotomi: taiko kenchi (land ownership regulations) and garirei katana (sword disarmament regulations) for farmers. Both these regulations are strategically intended to "control" the wealth of the landlords and the control of the farmers not to engage in armed resistance or rebellion.

The success of Toyotomi conquer all landlords to bring its own problems. The spirit to win the war with forces that are not channeled energy to bring the internal threats that lead to the disintegration of military families who are not satisfied with the victory Toyotomi. In this the Toyotomi channel these powerful forces to invade Korea in 1592 and 1597. Unfortunately this attack failed and Toyotomi's death in 1598, marks the beginning of the destruction of the Muromachi bakufu.

The tendency of subordinates to their superiors have behavior that is known gekokujō has emerged when Toyotomi Korean attack. At that time, Tokugawa Ieyasu began to strengthen its position in eastern Japan, especially in Edo (Tokyo). This crisis sparked a major war between the groups who sided with Toyotomi daimyo daimyo sided against the Tokugawa at Sekigahara battlefield in 1600. The victory was in hand after another with the establishment of the Tokugawa bakufu in Edo in 1603.

- Samurai in Edo era
Samurai in the Edo period that obligation to serve the feudal landlords each with two ways. First, run the task of soldiering in peacetime, the daimyo castle keep, guard daimyo when he went to Edo and back from Edo16, and provide troops that can use the daimyo to maintain their land.

However, after successfully realize the order in Tokugawa Japan in the 17th century, the samurai were mostly administrative duties, in this case is the financial administration such as raising revenues in the form of rice or cash to pay allowances, home care official in Edo, and pay cost of travel to Edo every year.

Because the samurai no longer be relied upon to fight, shogun and daimyo did not want to eliminate the value of loyalty and courage samurai, but fighting and revenge from generation to generation, often occurs and merupakanbagian of samurai life that do not fit in a safe and peaceful society was being erected. Bakufu then take firm action against perpetrators of fights and prohibits retaliation. To push for the samurai willing to accept change, then the benefits provided. In the 18th century, officials receive additional allowances to supplement salaries. Good work becomes a consideration for a promotion, which opens the possibility for increased office.

In addition, moral education, ethics, and general knowledge began to be introduced. Until then most of the samurai, especially high-ranking samurai getting an education on an individual basis. Education, among others, knowledge of ethics in addition to using the weapon skill, following knowledge of reading and writing. The role of bureaucracy in life has become the norm, the bosses want the values ​​of more than a samurai. As the nobility in the Nara and Heian era, they must have a moral attitude that "true" if they want to get a role in government. Especially need to understand the teachings of Confucius classics, therefore bakufu and the daimyo began to establish education places where these things can be learned. There are fifteen places of education which was established in 1700. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article was written and circulated by Guntur Suhada on BeZhare from source of Japanese Samurai to your knowledge, please do not take and pass on any sites without the knowledge of this site. Or if necessary, you can pass it on any site to include the name of the author of this article. We appreciate the authenticity of writings that we make here. Thank you for your attention.
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BeZhare: MS-DOS the History Begins

Maybe for you there are computer users who do not know what it is MS-DOS because in the present, MS-DOS has been rarely used because most use a more simple system like Windows.
For those of you who want to know whether MS-DOS itself, here BeZhare will discuss the early history of the first presence of the system.

In 1975, Personal Computers (PCs) produced the first Altair MITS (Micro Instrumentation Telemetry Systems) of Albuquerque, New Mexico with 8080 8-bit processor and 256 bytes of memory, no keyboard, screen, tape or disk, for $ 400. Computers intended for the electronics hobbyist. On this computer, Bill Gates wrote a BASIC interpreter. Existing operating system is CP / M from Digital Research.

In 1979, Tim Paterson of Seattle Computer Products 86-DOS create mimic CP / M to test products berbasi processor 8086.

August 1981, Microsoft bought 86-DOS from Tim Paterson and refined into MS-DOS version 1.0, released as an MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 1.00. The operating system is made with over 4000 lines of assembly language code.

- Features of MS-DOS version 1.0:
* Using 12 KBytes of memory on Intel 8086 processor with 64 Kbyte memory.
* Only supports a new directory (flat directory) and 64 files.
* Does not support disk.
* Only supports the floppy disk 5 ¼-inch 160 Kbyte, with 512 bytes / sector.

MS-DOS Sample
- MS-DOS marketed under two names, namely:
* PC-DOS is a release for the IBM PC

- PC-DOS system contains:

*, namely the disk and the character I / O system.
*, ie disk and file manager.
*, the command processor, primitive shell.

- MS-DOS operating system contains the following:
*, namely the disk and the character I / O system.
* IO.SYS, ie disk and file manager.
* Msdos.sys, the command processor, primitive shell.

The operating system is compatible with CP / M, with an increased allocation of disks, faster and supports primitive shell script called batch files.

October 1982, in-release MS-DOS version 1.1 supports the diskette 320 KByte.

- MS-DOS version 2.0
Year 1983, IBM developed a PC XT, a personal computer (PC)-based hard drive and then released MS-DOS version 2.0 for PC-XT with the following features:
* Supports hard disk.
* Supports directory hierarchy (hierarchical directory)
* Provides richer DOS command with an external program as a utility.
* Added ability to mimic UNIX such as I / O redirection, pipelines, filters and background printing (print spooler), use the file descriptor.
* Supports 360 KByte disk, system configuration (config.sys), user-installable device drivers, memory management and customized shell.

This operating system uses 24 Kbyte memory, made with 20,000 lines of assembly.

- MS-DOS version 2:05
Supports time, date, currency, and decimal symbols, a 16-bit Japanese Kanji.
In 1984, IBM made the PC AT with an Intel 80286 processor provides extended addressing (extended addressing) and the characteristics of memory protection (memory protection), user and kernel mode, the ring-based protection and the ability to run many programs at once.
PC AT provides 1.2m floppy, battery backup clock, the configuration information in CMOS, more than 10M hard drive, RAM disk support.

- MS-DOS version 3.0
The ability of Intel 80286 is not fully used by MS-DOS 3.0 to be compatible with previous releases, using as 8086 fast (fast 8086).

* Supports keyboard and peripherals new hard drive (AT Bus).
* Shell could be replaced by the user, for example with Norton Shell is NDOS.COM.
The operating system uses memory 36KByte, made of 40,000 lines of assembly.

- MS-DOS version 3.1

Supports PC-PC network.
Memory in use does not increase, obtained by adding the operating system that can be swapped.
- MS-DOS version 3.2
Supports floppy 3 1 / 2 inch and IBM Token Ring, but full of bugs.
In 1987, IBM made the family computer PS / 2.

- MS-DOS version 3.3

Even this release are not fully using the processor capability on PS / 2, which uses Intel 80286 or Intel 80386.

* Support for standard serial communication up to 19,200 bps.
* Memory in use is 46 Kbyte.

Since 1980, Microsoft developed a GUI (Graphical User Interface) on Windows, to bridge the DOS users. Development aims to compete with the Macintosh which had already offers a user friendly GUI.
In 1990, the GUI version of Microsoft (MS Windows 3.0) close to a user-friendly Macintosh, they are missing is this GUI must be run on DOS.
After leaving the partnership with IBM in developing a new generation operating system (OS / 2) which exploits the efficacy of new microprocessor
maximum, Microsoft developed MS Windows NT with a user interface similar to MS Windows 3.1 but is based concept that is very very different (NTFS file system was first introduced).
MS Windows NT exploit the power / current microprocessor capabilities and provide a full multitasking in a single-user environment.

- MS-DOS version 4.0
Supports hard drives larger than 32 MByte to 2 Gigabyte.
Although the program is limited to 640 Kbyte, 16 MByte RAM can be used as the Ram-disk to improve file system performance.
Provides menu-driven shell is not only a keyboard-oriented shell.

- MS-DOS version 5.0
April 1991, released MS-DOS version 5.0 with features:
* Support the use of extended memory.
* The program is limited to 640 Kbyte, using extended memory for user-written device drivers and utility-utility.

Having a new shell with the ability of many programs in memory, to move to the CTRL-ESC, HELP facilities, upgrade the other utility programs such as Edlin with a screen editor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article was written and circulated by Guntur Suhada on BeZhare from source of MS-DOS to your knowledge, please do not take and pass on any sites without the knowledge of this site. Or if necessary, you can pass it on any site to include the name of the author of this article. We appreciate the authenticity of writings that we make here. Thank you for your attention.
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BeZhare: History of UNIX

Once you know about BSD (read: this article) and Linux (read: this article), then you probably also already know the word Unix. Here BeZhare will be more familiar with the history of Unix itself, let's continue reading this article.

The history of UNIX starts from the project MULTICS (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service) in 1965 conducted by the American Telephone & Telegraph (AT & T), General Electric (GE), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), with major funding from the department of defense America (Department of Defense Advanced Research Project - DARPA). Multics is a modular operating system by using high-speed processor, memory, and communications equipment, designed to work 24 hours a day, 365 days per year without stopping, also designed for military needs.

In 1969, the Multics project stopped because it was too late from the time specified, this is caused by the distance between researchers at that time (New Jersey - MIT).

In the same year, Ken Thompson, a researcher who worked on the Multics project, in collaboration with Dennis Ritchie tried to realize the idea MULTICS using the PDP-7 computer. Peter Neumann suggested their project is given the name UNIX.
UNIX system is then in the weeks to rewrite the PDP-11 computers within 1 year.
Scientists from AT & T added many small tools for UNIX in the 1970s, each tool is used to perform a function.

In 1973, UNIX was rewritten by Ken Thompson use a new programming language created by Dennis Ritchie, Language C. C language was designed to be easy for on the move (portable) from one computer to another.

In 1977, Mike Lesk develop "Ported I / O Library", a library that can be taken to overcome the difficulties in doing a port of UNIX from one computer to another because of differences in I / O from any computer. Unix was first transferred (ported) into the laboratory Interdata 8 / / 32, the same microcomputer with the PDP-11.

In 1978, UNIX successfully ported into the VAX minicomputer. Until this year the UNIX operating system is still used as experimental.
Unix, BSD, Linux and Others Tree

It turned out that since early 1973, more than 16 branches of AT & T or Western Electric Bell outside the lab has been running UNIX. UNIX spread very quickly, in 1977 at least 500 locations have been running UNIX; 125 of them are university and more than 10 foreign countries, in the same year out of the UNIX version 6, which has commercial support.

University of California at Berkeley to pay $ 400 to get Tape UNIX operating system in which there is also the source code of a complete UNIX. Source code is modified by Bill Joy and Chuck Haley, who is a graduate of Berkeley. In 1978 Bill Joy out 30 copies of a collection of programs and modification of UNIX with the media replacement cost and delivery for $ 50.

More than 6 years old Berkeley gets funds from ARPA to develop a UNIX which is then called with BSD Unix. Many developments have been made include: Multitasking, naming the files with the number of characters up to 255 characters, and the ability to merge into the local computer. At this time the BSD Unix became popular among researchers and universities.

Unix Sample
At the same time, AT & T still developing its version of Unix, because it started to feel worried because of the popularity of BSD Unix AT & T Unix and then develop a commercial product. AT & T issued a system called UNIX System V and is a standard Unix, and said that BSD Unix is ​​not standard and not compatible. This is done to curb the popularity of BSD, also because they feel there is a copyright on AT & T.
With the Berkeley license with AT & T, the university can be freely distributed Unix repair AT & T to clients with no notes should be no additional version number. Until now always version 4.2 BSD Unix

On the other hand BSD 4.2 is believed to be used as the basis for the development of the Unix operating system, such as the SunOS operating system of Sun Microsystems machines, and ULTRIX as the Unix operating system within DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation).

With so many companies that develop Unix, then raised the question, Which version of Unix should be used ...? Berkeley Unix (BSD) is preferred users of academic and system developers, but is not supported and frightening as well as the operating system from Sun's new, which turned out later to be foremost among Unix, on the other hand there is the AT & T System V developed by AT & T and claimed as a standard. As a result of problems with this standard then in the late 1980s, Data General, IBM, Hewlwtt Packard, and Silicon Graphics to develop their own Unix System V by using as a standard. Unix versions of split 2, but it turns out there are version-3, ie, XENIX, which was developed by Microsoft in the early 1980s and licensed to Santa Cruz Operation (SCO). XENIX uses standard operating system from AT & T version of the older of the System III.

Because the need for standard operating system, then in the late 1980s, Xenix and AT & T System V/386 V merge into System that combines all the traditional functions and XENIX System V, was released in 1988 to 80 386-based computer.

In the summer of 1988, AT & T and Sun Microsystems signed an agreement to cooperate on that later result in the System V Release 4 (SVR4), which has the best ability of the System V and Berkeley Unix, and make all programs written for both systems become compatible within a single system . At this time SunOS Unix operating system was replaced by the new with the name Solaris.

Feeling threatened by AT & T and Sun because it is not part of SVR4 development effort, Appolo Computer, Digital Equipment Computer (DEC), Hewlett Packard, IBM, and some factories in Europe to form the Open Software Foundation (OSF). The establishment of this as an attempt to escape the control of AT & T, with the name of the industry coalition not-for-profit, and use a uniform ilsensi. OSF developed using the standard AIX, and then ported into the MACH kernel from Carnegie Mellon University, by combining the libraries and utilities from HP, IBM, and DEC. However, the development of OSF, OSF / 1 is not widely used until the coalition eventually develop their own systems, such as IBM with its AIX, and others adopt SVR4 which is released first.

In 1993, AT & T sells Unix Systems Laboratory (USL) to Novell after successfully made the SVR4 as the industry standard. However, the success of the Unix standard can not be beat MS Windows that was developed as an operating system for desktop computers. The novel then transfer the Unix trademark to X / Open Consortium.

In 1995, Novell sold its Unix source code to SCO, and thus stop the USL.

In the early 1990s, the BSD 4.4 commercialized with the name of the BSD / OS by BSD Inc.., Who has the ability to network firewall systems, VAR system, and the lab. academic research.

Meanwhile, operating systems like Unix (clone) is free of charge (free), Linux, created by Linus Torvalds, a student of computer science university of Helsinki Finland, developed by the hobbyist, and master classes small business market (small-business). Some implementations, such as Unix and Unix systems (Unix-like) for PC was developed based on BSD 4.3 and 4.4, and systems developed by Carnegie MACH which became the basic foundation of MacOS.

Although in the end Unix systems that exist today have not come together in the development, in the mid-1990s is estimated to already have millions of computers with the Unix operating system worldwide. Unix operating system is the choice for many microprocessors, because of its simplicity to be adopted.

There is now a collection of standards for operating systems like Unix, including the interface (interface), libraries, and the characteristic behavior (behavioral characteristic). Collection of this standard such as POSIX, which was originally developed by the IEEE, which was also adopted as ISO / IEC 9945. With the standardization such as interfaces, libraries, and this behavior we may use or hold with a Unix machine from anywhere. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article was written and circulated by Guntur Suhada on BeZhare from source of Unix to your knowledge, please do not take and pass on any sites without the knowledge of this site. Or if necessary, you can pass it on any site to include the name of the author of this article. We appreciate the authenticity of writings that we make here. Thank you for your attention.
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BeZhare: BSD? What is it?

Maybe you'll be a little weird to hear the name of the BSD and not understand what it really is.
Almost the same with Linux, BSD is a part of the unity of the OS (Operating System) on the computer.
To know more closely BSD itself is a good idea if you are interested can read the article below.

* Unix is ​​a computer operating system, a basic software that runs on a computer, which connects the hardware with software applications such as word-processors, spreadsheets, and others.

- Basic scheme of a computer system:
| Software application |
| Operating System |
| Hardware |
Unix was designed to be used simultaneously by many people (multi-user), and has a design TCP / IP built-in.
Unix is ​​an operating system first developed as a portable operating system, and more commonly used to support workstations and Internet servers. The first time was designed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, researchers AT & T Bell Laboratories in 1996, inspired by the design of Multics system developed by MIT.

Under the development of research institutions and students from various parts of the world, in a relatively short time Unix grown rapidly and become the main competitor of Microsoft Windows that has been dominating the server market and the computer's operating system. When this has been born tens of variants or "flavors" of Unix such as Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Hewlett-Packard HP / UX, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and others. Such systems generally have been well tested so that it can be applied on the PC platform, Macintosh, Sun and even IBM mainframes.

- BSD Unix (BSD Unix) is the implementation of the Unix operating system (and its utilitinya) developed and distributed by the University of Californa at Berkeley. BSD Unix (Berkeley Software Distribution) is usually referred to as BSD Operating System.

Spelling BSD generally preceded by the version number of distribution; eg 4.3BSD, the Berkeley Unix distribution version 4.3. The portion of Darwin's BSD-based system for 4.4BSD Lite 2, while the portion of a FreeBSD system BSD to refer to 4.4BSD.

Sample BSD on PC

/ * HISTORY * /
Around mid-1970, AT & T began memperkenalkaan and license new operating system called Unix. With little or no cost, people and organizations can obtain source code for the new system.

When the University of California at Berkeley received the source code of this (purchase price $ 400), co-creator of Unix, Ken Thompson, was a visit to one of the faculty. Through the help of consistent, researchers and students, especially Bill Joy (one of the founders of Sun Microsystems), trying to develop the Unix source code and gave birth to what is called the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD).

With funding support from DARPA (the U.S. defense department), the Berkeley Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG) subsequently became an important part in the development of Unix in addition to Bell Labs. Along with Unix System V AT & T itself, BSD grown to become one of the two major flavors of Unix at the time.
In fact, the BSD Unix systems develop more innovative than Unix System V. He is more loved by the academic and research institutions rather than commercial enterprise.
As time went, BSD Unix influence the development of Unix systems that exist today. Various basic Unix utilities, such as C-shell, vi, TCP / IP, and virtual memory, created the first time in release of BSD Unix. Sun Microsystems SunOS including a derivative of 4.2BSD, whereas the Unix System V release was written and again in the fourth (SVR4) to conform with BSD features. Thus, directly or indirectly, BSD Unix contributed greatly to the development of Unix today.

BSD is a modern version of 4.4BSD, released in 1993. Most BSD systems currently standard 4.4BSD-Lite.

- Among the many flavors of BSD Unix, there are three popular freeware system used, namely:
* FreeBSD
* NetBSD
* OpenBSD

FreeBSD Logo
- FreeBSD
Around the year 1992 and 1993, Jordan K. Hubbard, Rod Grimes, and Nate Williams worked on the project and released a set 386BSD changes known as the "Unofficial 386BSD Patchkit."

Nursing patchkit perceived impasse so that a new mechanism is needed. Third author finally start a new project called "386BSD 0.5", therein contained various utility improvements (fixes) and other functions as appropriate a real operating system. Unfortunately not long after the project stalled.

David Greenman, who then worked in Walnut Creek, then propose a new operating system based on patchkit that already exist with the name of FreeBSD.

Soon after, Hubbard was contracted to prepare the Walnut Creek CDROM distribution channel. Walnut Creek to provide support by offering servers and high-bandwidth hardware had to develop it. The first CDROM of FreeBSD is version 1.0, released in December 1993.

FreeBSD 2.0 was released in November 1994. Furthermore, as the upgrade and improvement conducted continuously and significantly. FreeBSD has spawned today's releases are very stable and widely used by the world community. Yahoo, the largest Internet directory at this time, entrust millions of pages to be served by a system of FreeBSD, as well as organizations and other major vendors.

Based on the narrative Hubbard, FreeBSD Project main goal is to provide software that can be used for various purposes.

Perhaps what is interesting from the technical side of FreeBSD is that simple. It is recognized that the FreeBSD installation program is included in Unix installation tool is the simplest among others. In addition, the system of third-party software that came with it (Port Collections) has been adopted by NetBSD and OpenBSD. These features provide a significant convenience for the user to add or remove applications as they wish. The user simply executes a command line and its applications to download, check its integrity, in-build, and installed automatically. System administration tasks to be very practical and easy.

Model development was almost similar to FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD, but have significant differences with Linux development. Model development of FreeBSD is managed professionally by hundreds of individual programmers who are called by Committers. Commiters authorized to make the changes needed to the FreeBSD official source at any time. Commiters team selection was decided by the FreeBSD Core Team, which is the board of directors FreeBSD.

FreeBSD development model aimed to create a product that is stable and easy to use. As one of the reliable Unix system for the x86 platform, FreeBSD must maintain compatibility programs as possible in the system.

- NetBSD
When Jolitz and other colleagues in the project focusing 386BSD, they encounter obstacles in the process and therefore began to develop a parallel effort. Colleagues at Virginia Tech next began to porting BSD to the Macintosh. Business continues to be developed into other architectures such as the Atari ST, Amiga, and various PC platforms.

The focus of the development of the NetBSD operating system is trying to provide a stable, multiplatform, and research-oriented. In January 2001, the portability of NetBSD is rumored to have reached 33 Platform.

More amazing, NetBSD supports a myriad of hardware and modern and traditional equipment, including equipment Intel-based PCs, Compaq's Alpha, or Sun Microsystems SPARC architecture. Old server and workstation class hardware like the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) VAX, Apple Macintosh computer-based Motorola 68000 processors are also supported.

Dedication NetBSD for portability has led the other operating systems. At the time of the FreeBSD group began to make its system ported to the Alpha platform, work on NetBSD project be based. Similarly, Linux has taken advantage of the experience of NetBSD. Special boot-loader utility used NetBSD for Macintosh computers modified in such a way 68 000 series and became a boot-loader Penguin used to launch Linux-machines.

Finally, NetBSD is another great contribution as a 'stepping stone' on the birth of the OpenBSD operating system.

The NetBSD Project aspires to the operating system gave birth to a reliable world-class research. Therefore, NetBSD portability to different hardware is very open, schools and research institutions to realize the real research through the tools they are available.

Other major projects developed by the KAME NetBSD. KAME help introduce IPv6, IPsec (for both IPv4 and IPv6), and increases the TCP / IP in general in the Unix world.

NetBSD is an intelligent system. Comes with a full complement of Unix tools, and many sites use NetBSD as DNS servers or their network servers, mainly because of extensive portability to different hardware and equipment.

- OpenBSD
In the early 1990's, Theo de Raadt has the overall responsibility of SPARC in NetBSD and ported to other sections. However, due to a misunderstanding between Theo and the NetBSD core team associated with the development of NetBSD, Theo resigned and subsequent release of OpenBSD.

OpenBSD is a bit 'deviate' from around the release of NetBSD NetBSD 1.1 in November 1995. The first release came a year later OpenBSD, OpenBSD 2.0 was released the next October 1996.

If NetBSD is unique with a broad portability, OpenBSD focuses on system reliability and security. 'Charm' OpenBSD, which reads "Secure-by-default" has produced products of the most perfect operating system today. OpenBSD claims that three years without exploitation allows remote root system administrators can sleep through the night.

Take advantage of houses in Canada, mission de Raadt is not constrained by American law, where the application of strong cryptographic algorithms (strong cryptography) is very possible, such as RSA, Blowfish, and a number of other algorithms. Moreover, the modified version is now used Blowfish algorithm to encrypt user passwords.

OpenBSD developers do not just stop there, one other contribution from their hard work is OpenSSH, a multiplatform clone the most popular protocol in order to realize secure communications.

Another feature of OpenBSD is a rigorous auditing coding, careful, and neat. It is all to ensure the safety systems that can be trusted. Started since 1996, the OpenBSD team analyzed line-by-line on the overall construction of the operating system by seeking opportunities for a variety of security holes and potential bugs.

Unix systems are quite disturbed by what is called a fixed-sized buffers. Besides not familiar to the programmer, they also mengaeah on the birth of a security hole, like what terjaadi the fingerd exploit in 4.2BSD.

Seriousness in security surveillance causes OpenBSD team often find weaknesses relating to security in various other operating systems or applications, third-party, including the systems FreeBSD, NetBSD, or anything else.

Most security is realized with continuous auditing code and OpenBSD does not tolerate any open network ports in its default installation. If a site requires access to the finger protocol, lpd, or other protocols, they must first be activated. Typically, the protocols must be switched off when not in use, and installation of OpenBSD consider it carefully.

OpenBSD includes a portable operating system. Maybe it was influenced by the characteristics of NetBSD as 'lineage'. OpenBSD is quite stable in dozens of architectures, including Intel-based PC platforms, Motorola 68k-based Macintosh, and others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article was written and circulated by Guntur Suhada on BeZhare from source of BSD to your knowledge, please do not take and pass on any sites without the knowledge of this site. Or if necessary, you can pass it on any site to include the name of the author of this article. We appreciate the authenticity of writings that we make here. Thank you for your attention.
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BeZhare: Know More About The Penguin [Linux]

Ever hear or see a logo shaped picture of a Penguin in the cafe or in computer stores?
Well if you ever saw it you would also know by the name Linux, an OS (Operating System) is based on  Open Source. Where we are free to work with this OS and widely used by people who love tinkering with programming languages​​.
On this occasion we would love share info origin of the name of Linux itself.
- Linux or GNU / Linux is a free operating system that is very popular for computers.
The term Linux or GNU / Linux (GNU) was also used as a reference to the whole Linux distribution (Linux distribution), in which included other programs supporting the operating system. Examples of these programs are web servers, programming languages, databases, desktop display (Desktop Environment) (such as GNOME and KDE), and office applications (office suite), such as, KOffice, Abiword, Gnumeric. Distro Linux has experienced rapid growth in terms of popularity, so the more popular version of UNIX systems that use license and paid (proprietary) and other free UNIX version that was originally rival Microsoft Windows dominance in the few.

Linux supports a lot of computer hardware, and has been used in a variety of equipment from personal computers, supercomputers and embedded systems (embedded systems), such as cell phones (mobile phone) and personal video recorder.

Initially, Linux was made, developed, and is used by devotees only. Linux now has support from big companies like IBM and Hewlett-Packard. Analysts think the success of information technology is because Linux does not depend on the vendor (vendor independence), low operational cost, and high compatibility than the proprietary Unix versions, and the factor of safety and stability compared with Microsoft Windows. These characteristics also be evidence of the excellence model of open source software development (opensource software).

- History
The Linux kernel was originally written as a hobby project by Linus Torvalds Finland university students who study at the University of Helsinki, to make Minix kernel is free and can be edited. (Minix is ​​a Unix-like project lesson made for easy to use and not for commercial use.) Version 0:01 issued to the Internet in September 1991, Version 12:02 on October 5, 1991. [1]
Next, thousands upon thousands of writers around the world volunteer program has accompanied this project.
History of the Linux operating system is closely related to the GNU project, the project known freeware free program is headed by Richard Stallman. The GNU project started in 1983 to create a complete Unix-style operating systems - compilers, utilities, applications, utilities, manufacturing and so on - was created entirely with free software. In 1991, when the first version of the Linux framework was written, the GNU project has produced almost all the components of this system - except the kernel. Torvalds and the Linux kernel as manufacturers adjust their kernel in order to work properly with GNU components, and so spend enough operating system to function. Therefore, Linux is the last room in the design complements the GNU.
Although the Linux kernel is licensed under the GNU General Public License, he instead of from the GNU project.
Tux, a Penguin, a logo and mascot for Linux. Linux is a trademark (SN: 1916230) owned by Linus Torvalds. Linux is listed as a "computer operating system program for the use of computers and operations." The trademark was registered after an incident in which a forger named William R Della Croce Jr. began sending letters to all distributors of Linux and Linux is a trademark megklaim hakmiliknya and ask for a royalty of 10% of them. The Linux distributors began to push for a genuine trademark given to Linus Torvalds. Linux trademark licensing now under the supervision of the Linux Mark Institute.

- Linux Distributions
Linux Distro (short for Linux distributions) is a term for computer operating systems and applications, is a family of Unix that uses the Linux kernel. Linux distributions can include free software and can also include commercial software such as Red Hat Enterprise, SuSE, and others.

There are many distributions of linux that has emerged. Some survived and grew, even to produce a derivative distro, for example, is Distro Debian GNU / Linux. This distro has produced dozens of child distributions, including Ubuntu, Knoppix, Xandros, DSL, and so forth.

To get a linux distro, you can download it directly from the distributors site relevant distro, or buy from local vendors.

Linux distributions can be categorized based on package management system, free and no, the purpose of manufacture, the basic software used, and so forth.

- Debian-based free distributions:
    * 64Studio
    * Adamantix
    * Amber Linux
    * Beatrix
    * Bonzai Linux
    * Debian
    * Debian-BR-CDD
    * DeveLinux
    * Finnix
    * GenieOS
    * Gnoppix
    * Guadalinex
    * Hiweed
    * Kalango
    * Kanotix
    * Knoppix
    * Kuliax (a Linux distribution developed by Indonesia)
    * Kurumin
    * LinEx
    * Linux Loco
    * Morphix
    * NepaLinux
    * PingOO
    * Skolelinux
    * Sun Wah Rays LX
    * Symphony OS
    * Ubuntu
          o Edubuntu
          o Kubuntu
          o Xubuntu
          o De2
    * Xandros
    * Zen Linux

- RPM-based distribution
    * ALinux
    * ALT Linux
    * Annvix
    * Ark Linux
    * ASPLinux
    * Aurox
    * Berry Linux
    * BLAG Linux and GNU
    * BlankOn (a Linux distribution developed by Indonesia)
    * Caixa Mágica
    * Caos Linux
    * CentOS
    * Cobind
    * Conectiva
    * EduLinux
    * Engarde Secure Linux
    * Fedora Core
    * Fox Linux
    * IGOS (a linux distro developed by Indonesia)
    * Linux Mobile System
    * Magic Linux
    * PCLinuxOS
    * PCQLinux2005
    * PLD Linux Distribution

- Mandrake / mandriva

- Free distribution based on Slackware
    * Slackware
    * AliXe
    * Austrumi
    * BackTrack
    * Bluewhite64 Linux
    * College Linux
    * Cytrun Linux
    * Darkstar
    * DeepStyle
    * Easys GNU / Linux
    * Frugalware
    * Hardened Linux
    * Kate OS
    * Plamo Linux
    * SLAX
    * Sauver
    * Slackintosh
    * Slamd64
    * Splack Linux
    * TopologiLinux
    * Truva Linux
    * Ultima Linux
    * Vector Linux
    * Wolvix
    * 0x7F GNU / Linux
    * Zenwalk Linux (formerly MiniSlack)

Network WLAN Sample
- Linux Operating System Applications
Linux users, who generally do their own install and configuration of the system, are more likely to understand the technology than users of Microsoft Windows or Mac OS. They are often called hacker or geek. But this stereotype decreases with the increase in user-friendly nature and the extent of users of Linux distributions. Linux has made a pretty good achievement in the server computer market and special purpose computer, such as image rendering engine and a web server. Linux is also gaining popularity in the desktop computer market.
Linux is a principle to the combination of LAMP-server program, short for Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl / PHP / Python. LAMP has achieved widespread popularity among Web developers.
Linux is also often used as an embedded operating system. The cost of procurement of cheap Linux allows its use in equipment such as the Simputer, the low-cost computers aimed at low-income populations in developing countries.

With desktop environments like KDE and GNOME, Linux offers a user interface more like Apple Macintosh or Microsoft Windows instead of a text line interface such as Unix. Therefore, more graphics program can be found on Linux that offers a variety of functions in a commercial utility.

- Market Share And Ease of Use
Linux was originally just an operating system that is used by computer enthusiasts, has become the system more user-friendly, with charts antaramuka variety of applications that is more similar to other operating systems, rather than the Unix command line. However, this impression has caused much criticism, including from supporters of Linux. They argue that Linux and free program project has yet to reach "factor ke'mudahan'an in the use of" satisfactory. The question of ke'mudah'an Linux than Windows or Macintosh is still the issue of hot debate. Linux market in the computer "desktop" is still rather small but growing. Institute for Market According to IDC, a large market for Linux in 2002 was 25% for the server market, and 2.8% for the personal computer market.

For those who are only familiar with Windows or Macintosh, Linux may seem more difficult due to differences in performing various computer work. And again, users need to exchange programs that are often used, because the program was not found in Linux (or rather limited options, such as computer games). Another factor is the nature of doubt users who feel hard to let go of their operating system (many users still use Windows). In addition, most computers shipped with Windows is ready to wear (preinstalled). These factors led to the development of Linux is rather slow.

However, excess Linux as a low cost, security is more secure, and not rely on vendors, has increased its use widespread among corporations and offices. In this situation, the obstacles mentioned above can be reduced because only the application / utility that is limited in use, as well as administration and configuration of the computer (administration) is controlled by a group of IT experts working a little.

There are numerous studies conducted limited cost and ke'mudahan'an Linux. Relevantive, (an institute based in Berlin, which specializes in the research institute of ke'mudahan'an program, as well as web services), have made the conclusion that free ke'dapatpakai'an Linux to work with the computer "desktop" is almost the same as Windows XP. However, the study by IDC (funded by Microsoft) claims that Linux has a cost of ownership (Total Cost of Ownership) is higher than Windows.

Linux is also often criticized for development schedule unpredictable. By default, cause users with Linux Enterprise less space than other operating systems (Source: Marcinkowski, 2003). The options are many in terms of Linux distributions is also said to confuse the consumer, and vendor programs.

Linux Sample
- Installation
Linux installation is a difficult process often becomes a barrier for new users, but this process now becomes much easier. With the acceptance of Linux by some major personal computer manufacturer, installed computer (built up) with many Linux distributions available. In addition, there is also a Linux distribution that can be run (boot) directly from optical disc (CD) without the need to be installed to hard disk (hard disk), this is known as the Live CD. Sample distribution in the form of Live CD is Knoppix / Gnoppix, Kubuntu / Ubuntu and Gentoo. Currently, almost all Linux distributions provide a version of the Live CD for its product. ISO image to optical disc for Linux distributions usually can be downloaded from the Internet, burned to a CD, and then can be used as a CD that is ready for the boot process.

- Configuration
Linux configuration settings and applications on it much was done through a text file in the directory / etc. In further developments, utilities such as linuxconf and GNOME System Tools facilitate this work through the graphical interface. Nevertheless, the command line (command line) remains the most common way used.

- Support
Support for Linux is usually obtained through a peer (in this context means user groups linux / Ltsp) - other Linux users on the internet forums, IRC, newsgroups and mailing lists. Linux User Groups (LUG, Linux Users Group) has been established throughout the world to help local users, new users and experienced users. In Indonesia, this group incorporated in Ltsp Ltsp areas such as Jakarta, Bandung Ltsp, Ltsp Jogja and many more. Assistance including installation, use, procurement and promote the development of a Linux system.
Commercial support for Linux distributions in general use business model by providing technical support. Third-party support is also available.
- Scale Linux Development
A study (More Than a Gigabuck: estimating the GNU / Linux 's Size [2]) on Red Hat Linux 7.1 found that this distribution contained 30 million lines of source code (''source lines of code (SLOC )''). Using the COCOMO cost model of this study show that this distribution takes the development of as many as 8000 years, when the software was developed by conventional proprietary way. And will spend approximately 1:08 billion dollars (2000 dollars) to be developed in the United States.
The majority of the code (71%) written in C, but many other languages ​​are used, including C + + shell scripts, Lisp, assembly language, Perl, Fortran and Python.
- About half of the code is licensed under the GPL.
The Linux kernel contains 2.4 million lines of code, or about 8% of the total code that is used in a distribution / distribution. This shows that the majority of Linux distribution consists of code that is not contained in the Linux Kernel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article was written and circulated by Guntur Suhada on BeZhare from source of Linux to your knowledge, please do not take and pass on any sites without the knowledge of this site. Or if necessary, you can pass it on any site to include the name of the author of this article. We appreciate the authenticity of writings that we make here. Thank you for your attention.
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BeZhare: Anime Importance and Meaning of it

We already know and learn what it is Manga and Cosplay but there's another one that can not be separated from these two things, are Anime.
Because Anime without Manga feels incomplete when you already know more about it.
Anime (アニメ) is typical of Japanese animation, which is usually characterized through pictures featuring colorful characters in a variety of locations and stories, aimed at a variety of audiences. Anime influenced style of drawing manga, comic typical Japanese.

The word Anime appear in written form in three katakana characters a, ni, me (アニメ) which is the absorption of the English language "Animation" and pronounced as "Anime-Shon".

1st Anime Astro Boy by Tezuka's Ozamu Sensei
The first Anime achieve widespread popularity is Tezuka's Ozamu Sensei with "Astro Boy" work in 1963. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article was written and circulated by Guntur Suhada on BeZhare to your knowledge, please do not take and pass on any sites without the knowledge of this site. Or if necessary, you can pass it on any site to include the name of the author of this article. We appreciate the authenticity of writings that we make here. Thank you for your attention.
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BeZhare: What is Cosplay and Story Behind it

Besides Manga here you might also want to know what Cosplay (Costume Play) which is used by people especially in Japan there is always identical with the figures of Manga, Anime, and Gaming.

Cosplay (コス プレ, kosupure) derived from the word "costume" and "roleplay", which means a hobby to dress up and play a character similar to anime, manga, video games, Jrock, Jpop.
But some circles have developed a sense cosplay costume for games of any kind. Making regular cosplay term given to the November from Studio Hard Takahashi when she visited the show sci-fi Worldcon in Los Angeles in 1984. Someone who is called cosplay cosplayer.

Cosplay himself born in the Worldcon. In 1939 at the first Worldcon, Forrest J. Ackerman wearing clothes that he calls "futuristicostume" which was designed and created by Myrtle R. Douglas. That sparked the game costume as an integral part of the Worldcon. November Takahashi saw nearly 50 years later and took it home to Japan, he was so impressed by the costumes and backgrounds made ​​by other visitors until he continued to discuss and report on returning to Japan.

Cosplay Girl Look Similar as the Chara
The fans and non-cosplay cosplayer cosplayer including already spread all over the world, namely America, China, Europe, Philippines, and Indonesia itself. On the Internet community Cosplay can be found at various sites with such widespread topics that discuss Cosplay in outline, as well as site specific topic such as place "value and show off photos of " the cosplayer in the world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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BeZhare: Manga the Meaning and Definition

We may have also not yet know whether the meanings of the manga and why it should be called manga and not called a comic?
Now we will learn the meaning of the word manga itself is a special term for Japanese comics.

- Manga (漫画) is a word in Japanese comics; outside of Japan, the word is used specifically to talk about Japanese comics.
- And Mangaka (漫画家) is the person who drew the manga.
* The Different Manga and Comics
The fundamental difference between manga and comics as is the distinction grouping, where the manga is more focused on Japanese comics (sometimes also including Asia), and more to the comics made in Europe / West.

* Manga in Japan
Manga magazines in Japan are usually composed of several comic titles, each of which fills about 30-40 journal pages (one chapter). The magazines are themselves typically have a thickness ranging between 200 to 850 pages.
If successful, a manga titles can be published through the years.

After a while, the stories of the magazine will be collected and printed in the form of regular-sized book, called tankōbon (or sometimes known as terms of volume).
Comics in this form are usually printed on high quality paper and is useful for people who do not or lazy to buy manga magazines are published weekly which has a diverse mix of stories / title.

From this tankōbon manga form is usually translated into other languages ​​in other countries such as Indonesia.
    - Manga specifically intended for men called Shonen.
    - While that for women called Shoujo.
Two of the largest manga publishers in Japan are Shogakukan (小学 馆) and Shueisha (集 英 社)

* Drawing style
Average mangaka in Japan using styles / simple style of drawing manga. However, the image background, almost all manga is drawn as realistic as possible, even if the character image is really simple. The mangaka simple drawing particularly on the face, with characteristic large eyes, small mouth and nose pinch.
There is also a style of drawing and Shotacon Lolicon.

Manga Style
Not all manga is described simply. Some mangaka uses a realistic style, although in some elements can still be categorized as manga. As an example Vagabond, Takehiko Inoue's work that highlight the use of shading, proportion and balance settings realistis. Still, Vagabond manga categorized by style depiction of the eye, as well as some parts are simple.
Manga is also commonly drawn in monochrome and gradation commonly called tone.

For long-term comic or who have hundreds of volumes, generally in line with the development time, the mangaka will experience considerable change significant. Like scratches are common in Indonesia may work by Hojo Tsukasa that of Cat Eyes turned as the City Hunter. Or other works Ah! My Goddess, which began in 1988 and until now still continuing. One Piece and Naruto was quite changed when compared to the scratch volume initial volume.
* Doujinshi
Doujinshi is a term for manga created by fans of manga, which has a storyline or a different ending from the original manga. The fans are used to distribute it from hand to hand, is sold in stores doujinshi indie, or follow the usual convention grand doujinshi called Comiket. Here doujinshi sold thousands of titles each year. Visitors can reach 400,000 people.

Doujinshi itself sometimes be a stepping stone someone / group to become a mangaka. Ken Akamatsu (Love Hina, Negima) is also often make dojin his own work. Themed h[e]ntai manga dojin usually is of a certain well-known manga. Usually the manga characters are indeed designed to be a "target" of the dojin-ka (call for policy-makers dojin, together are like the manga-ka).

* Types of manga
Many of these species also applies to Japanese anime and computer games.
- Based on the type of reader:
    * Kodomo (子 供) - for the children.
    * Josei (女性) (or redikomi) - female.
    * Seinen (青年) - male.
    * Shojo (少女) - adolescent girls.
    * Shōnen (少年) - teenage boys.
- Categories pornographic manga:
Commonly called "h[e]ntai" (変 态) in English, although the term ecchi (H) is more appropriate.

    * Softcore:
          o Lolicon (young women)
          o Shota-con (young male)
          o yaoi (gay)
          o yuri (lesbian)
    * H[a]rdcore:
          Guro o-ero (erotic-Grotesque)
          o futanari (hermaphrodite)
          o kemono (half-human animals)

Maybe just this hour my explanation about the manga and hopefully can add to your knowledge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article was written and circulated by Guntur Suhada on BeZhare to your knowledge, please do not take and pass on any sites without the knowledge of this site. Or if necessary, you can pass it on any site to include the name of the author of this article. We appreciate the authenticity of writings that we make here. Thank you for your attention.
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BeZhare: West Borneo History

West Kalimantan [West Borneo] is a province of Indonesia, located on the island of Borneo and the capital is Pontianak.
The total area of  West Kalimantan Province is 146,807 km ² (7.53% area of  Indonesia).
It is the fourth largest province after Papua, East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan.
West Kalimantan is one area that can be called the province of "A Thousand Rivers". The nickname is in line with the geographical conditions that have hundreds of large and small rivers which can and often navigable.
Several large rivers is still a pulse and the main route for inland transportation, although the road infrastructure has been able to reach most of the district.
Although a small region of West Kalimantan is the ocean waters, but the West has dozens of large and small islands (most uninhabited) are scattered throughout the Karimata Strait and Natuna Sea bordering the region of Riau Islands Province.

- Total population: 
In the province of West Kalimantan, according to the census of 2004 amounted to 4,073,304 people (1.85% of Indonesia's population).

- History: 
According to kakawin Nagarakretagama (1365), West Kalimantan, Majapahit conquered, even since the time of the call Singhasari Bakulapura. According to the Hikayat Banjar (1663), the country Sambas, Sukadana and countries in Batang Lawai (ancient name of the Kapuas River) had been conquered since the days of the Hindu kingdom of Banjar. Since October 1, 1609, became the protectorate of the Kingdom of Sambas, the Dutch VOC. October 20, 1756 per the agreement the Dutch East India Company will assist the Sultan of Banjar Tamjidullah I to re-conquer the areas that separate them Sanggau, Sintang and Lawai (District Melawi).
By deed dated March 26, 1778 Hedgehogs and Sukadana country submitted to the Dutch East India Company by the Sultan of Banten. These are areas that originally belonged to the Dutch East India Company in addition to the protectorate of Sambas. In the same year Prince Abdurrahman Sharif Alkadrie sanctioned Dutch East India Company as the first Sultan of Pontianak in Dutch-owned territory.
In 1789 the Sultan of Pontianak Fang Lan Corp. assisted the Dutch East India Company was ordered to occupy the country Mempawah. On May 4, 1826 Sultan of Banjar handed Adam Barley, Sintang and Lawai (Melawi District) to the Dutch East Indies colonial administration. In 1855, the country Sambas entered into the Dutch East Indies becoming Residency of Sambas. In the reign of the Dutch East Indies by the Governor-General as published in STB No. 1938. 352, among others, regulate and establish the administrative capital of the region based in Banjarmasin Borneo
Gouvernement divided into 2 Residentir, one of them is Residentie Westerafdeeling Van Borneo with capital of Pontianak, led by a resident. On January 1, 1957 WK officially became an independent province on Borneo island, on the basis of Act No. 25 of 1956 dated 7 December 1956. The law has also been the basis for the establishment of two other provinces in the archipelago's largest island.
Both provinces are in South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan.

- Natural conditions: 
The climate in West Kalimantan, wet tropical climates, rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year with peak rainfall occurs in January and October temperatures average between 26.0 s / d 27.0 and the average humidity of between between 80% s / d 90%.

- Ethnicity: 
West Region is inhabited by the Indigenous Dayak and other immigrants from Sumatra and urban people of China and other parts of Indonesia. Large Dominant Ethnic Groups of the Dayaks, Malays and Chinese, whose numbers exceed 90% of the population of West Kalimantan. In addition, there are also other tribes, such as Bugis, Javanese, Madurese, Minangkabau, Sundanese, Batak and others whose numbers below 10%.

- Regional Language:
Indonesian (Malay) is the language generally used by people in West Kalimantan.
Also connecting language, namely Malay Pontianak, Sambas Malay and Bahasa Senganan by region spreading. Likewise, there are various types of language Dayak, according to research there are 188 dialects Institute Dayakologi spoken by ethnic Dayak and Chinese languages ??such as Tiochiu and Khek / Hakka. Dialect in the language of the Dayak tribe masksudkan against this is so much resemblance to the Malay language, only the most different at the end of words such as eat (Malay), makatn (Kanayatn), wearing (Iban) and makot (Melahui).
Especially for clumps Uut Danum, the language is virtually stands alone and is not a dialect of the other Dayak groups. Dialect actually exist in some sub tribe Dayak Uut Danum own. As in the language of the sub tribe Dohoi for example, to say eat it consists of at least 16 vocabulary words, ranging from the most subtle to the most rugged.

For example, ngolasut (medium fine), germ (general), dekak (for an older or respected), ngonahuk (rough), monirak (most coarse) and Macuh (for the spirits of the dead). Malay language in West Kalimantan consist of several types, including Bahasa Melayu Bahasa Melayu Pontianak and Sambas. Bahasa Melayu Pontianak itself has the same accent discussed Malaysia and Malay Riau Malay.

- Religion and Belief: 
The majority of the population of West Kalimantan embraced Islam (35%), Catholics (28%), Protestant (10%), Buddhists (6.4%), Hindu (0.2%), other (1 , 7%).

- Traditional Dances:
* Dance Monong / Manang / Baliatn, is a dance Healing contained in all the Dayak community. dance serves as a repellent / healer / antidote to the disease for the patient to recover back the dancers behave like shamans with the spell.
This dance is present when the shaman is in a state of trance, and dance is part of traditional ceremonies Bemanang / Balian.
* Dance by side, A Dance Single at the Dayak Mualang Sekadau District which in the present as a dance entertainment community for sustenance / dagger / food given by God. This dance is used by side as a media attraction and dance is set off from the ancestral culture of the past are strongly associated with acceptance / welcoming guests / hero.
* Dance dance Jonggan are Kanayatn Dayak community association in the Kubu Raya, Mempawah, Hedgehog can still be found and enjoyed visually, this dance meceritakan joy and happiness in the association Dayak young couple. In this dance the guests who come are generally invited to dance together.
* Dance is a dance association kondan that rhyme and accompanied by traditional music Sanggau Kapuas Dayak community, this kondan art sometimes accompanied by guitar. kondan art is greeting happiness of guests who visit and spend the night in his area. This art is done by dancing and unrequited rhyme.
* Kinyah Uut Danum, is a typical war dance Uut Danum Dayak ethnic group who showed agility and alertness in the face of the enemy. Today was a lot Kinyah Uut Danum shown on special events or when welcoming guests who visit. This dance is very hard to learn because in addition to using Ahpang (Saber) is original, as well as a very dynamic movement, so people are less physically fit will be quickly exhausted.
* Dance Zapin in West Kalimantan Malay community, is a social dance in society, as the media said the happiness in the association. If he uses the property Tembung then called Zapin Tembung, if a fan then called Zapin fan.

- Traditional Musical Instruments:
* Gong / Agukng, Kollatung (Uut Danum) are percussion instruments made of brass, is a multifunctional instrument both as a dowry, as the base symbol of the spirit in marriage. as well as payment of the customary law.
* Tawaq (a type kempul) is a musical instrument to accompany the traditional dance of the Dayak community in general. Uut Danum Dayak language called Kotavak.
* Sapek is a traditional stringed musical instrument of the upper Kapuas Depth wealth among the Dayak communities upstream of Kapuas district. In Uut Danum people call Konyahpik (form) differs slightly with Sapek.
* Feedback / Kurating is a stringed musical instrument similar Sapek, derived from the Kapuas Hulu on Ibanik the Dayak, Dayak Banuaka ".
* Kangkuang are percussion instruments made of wood and carved, found in the Dayak community Banuaka Kapuas Hulu.
* Keledik / Kedire a musical instrument made from gourds and bamboo played by blowing and smoked, located in Kapuas Hulu. In Uut Danum Dayak tribe called Korondek.
* At Entebong is a kind of musical instrument drum that is widely available in the local Dayak groups Mualang Sekadau District.
* Rabab / Rebab, the stringed instrument, is at the Uut Danum Dayak tribe. Kohotong, namely wind instrument, made from a kind of midrib branches of wild plants in the forest like a palm tree. Sollokanong (some call it Klenang other Dayak tribes) made of brass, the shape is smaller than the gong, its use should be one set.
* Terah People (on Uut Danum Dayak) is a percussion instrument such as the Javanese gamelan. It is made of iron (the people) then Terah called the Ummah.

- Traditional Weapons:
* Saber (Ahpang: Uut Danum designation) is a type of sword that is unique, with a fine and peculiar. In Uut Danum Dayak tribe upper is made of carved deer antlers, while the iron material Ahpang (Saber) is made of iron mined itself and consists of two types, namely the famous Nyan Bahtuk hard and sharp so that flies perch can break but easily broken and People of the famous Motihke flexible, toxic and does not rust.
* Keris
* Tumbak
* Chopsticks (Sohpot: Uut Danum title)
* Piston rifle
* Duhung (Uut Danum)
* Isou Bacou or Parang that both sides sharply (Uut Danum)
* Lunjuk or similar tumbak to hunt (Uut Danum)

- Literature:
Some oral literature in this area include:
* Bekana an old people's stories of the past that tell the world Khayangan or Persons Aging Pang (the gods) in the Dayak mythology Ibanik: Iban, Mualang, Sleep, Village and others.
* Bejandeh bekana but the object is a kind of different story.
* Nyangahatn, the old prayer on Kanayatn Dayak community. In Uut Danum Dayak tribe, oral literature composed of Kollimoi (second time), Tahtum (third time), Parung, Kandan and Kendau.
At the time of the oldest or the first is the occurrence of the universe and humankind. In this second era of oral literature is about human life Uut Danum in the sky. In the third era is about the stories of heroism and headhunting Uut Danum Dayak tribe when it was on earth, for example how they mengayau along the Kapuas river until people are not remaining so-called Kopuas Buhang (Kapuas is empty or the occupants out) then they search for targets to other parts of the island Kalimantan is the direction of Central and East Kalimantan and carry the names of areas in West Kalimantan, so that's why in Central Kalimantan have also named the river Kapuas River and River Melawi.
This Tahtum if sung in the original can reach dozens of night for a single episode, while Tahtum consists of hundreds of episodes. Parung adalahsastra oral tradition when there is a party or wedding. Kandan compose literature language is highest among ethnic groups Uut Danum (Dohoi, Soravai, Pangin, Daylight, Joyless and others) used to tell Kolimoi, Parung, Mohpash and others.
People who study language Kandan must pay to the teacher. Now this language is almost extinct and only controlled by old people.
While Kendau is the literary language to make fun or joke.

- Weaving:
Traditional Fabric located in certain areas, including:
* Weaving Sambas Region
* Weaving Belitang Kumpang area Ilong Sekadau District
* Weaving Length Ensaid Sintang
* Weaving Kapuas Hulu

- Crafts: 
Various kinds of crafts can be obtained from this area, for example:
* Mats mats, in Pontianak and Bengkayang area, Sintang, Kapuas Hulu.
* Carve-carvings, shields, saber and others contained in Pontianak and Kapuas Hulu.
* Nuts Uwoi (patterned rattan mats) typical Uut Danum Dayak tribe.
* Takui Darok (caping wide motif) typical Uut Danum Dayak tribe.

- Traditional Cake:
Traditional cakes are often found in this place, for example:
* Lemang, made of sticky rice on input into the bamboo, is a traditional food of the past which is still preserved.
* Lemper, made of sticky rice that the content of the meat / bean there is a traditional food in the area Purun
* Lepat, made of flour in it at the input banana.
* Jimut, traditional cakes at the local Dayak community Mualang Belitang Sekadau District made from flour that formed spheres of ball pimpong.
* Lulun, a type Lepat, yamg isimya brown sugar, found in the area Belitang kab Sekadau
* Lempok, located in Pontianak is made from Durian (almost all ethnic Dayak and Malay in the habit of making Lempok)
* Tumpi ', found in the Dayak community kanayatn, made from flour.
* Tehpung, traditional cake on Uut Danum Dayak, made from finely ground rice is sticky rice and fried.
This cake is usually made in traditional events, there's nothing like a boat shape, gongs and others.

- Traditional Cuisine:
Cuisine that we can get from this area are:
* Acid Spicy Cuisine in the area of  Pontianak
* Porridge Spicy Cuisine in Sambas district
* Kerupok wet, a typical food Kapuas Hulu
* Ale-ale, is a typical food Ketapang
* Pansoh, namely meat dishes in the bamboo in the Dayak community.
* Mie Tiau, is a typical Chinese cuisine located in the city of Pontianak Pontiana
* Chicken and Noodle Wonton Rice, a resident of Chinese cuisine and surroundings Singkawang
Source from: Wikipedia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article was written and circulated by Guntur Suhada on BeZhare from source of West Borneo History to your knowledge, please do not take and pass on any sites without the knowledge of this site. Or if necessary, you can pass it on any site to include the name of the author of this article. We appreciate the authenticity of writings that we make here. Thank you for your attention.
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