BeZhare to Japan

Give moral support to our brothers in Japan to be able to bounce back. Stay strong and steadfast in the face of temptation.

BeZhare: Anime Importance and Meaning of it

We already know and learn what it is Manga and Cosplay but there's another one that can not be separated from these two things, are Anime.
Because Anime without Manga feels incomplete when you already know more about it.
Anime (アニメ) is typical of Japanese animation, which is usually characterized through pictures featuring colorful characters in a variety of locations and stories, aimed at a variety of audiences. Anime influenced style of drawing manga, comic typical Japanese.

The word Anime appear in written form in three katakana characters a, ni, me (アニメ) which is the absorption of the English language "Animation" and pronounced as "Anime-Shon".

1st Anime Astro Boy by Tezuka's Ozamu Sensei
The first Anime achieve widespread popularity is Tezuka's Ozamu Sensei with "Astro Boy" work in 1963. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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