BeZhare to Japan

Give moral support to our brothers in Japan to be able to bounce back. Stay strong and steadfast in the face of temptation.

BeZhare: Know Substitution Year In Japan

By the turn of the year, in general the Japanese began to busy with various events. BeZhare want to share about Japanese New Year to likened with 'holiday' annual. Some agenda began writing, be it within the scope of the work environment, family or individual.

One of the traditions or customs that held a few companies or associations of organizations in Japan which was held around the end of December, before the yearbook cover. The meaning of the terminology seen from the kanji written, "bonenkai" has the meaning: Party / collection to forget the years (old).

To succeed in this bonenkai event, usually one person will be appointed as 'Kanji' who served as coordinator, coordinate events, make reservations and contact the people who will participate in the event.
Activities of people who will 'go home' began to be seen passing around the station or congested city roads by vehicles queuing to be going home.
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