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BeZhare: About Sambas Ethnic

Sambas Ethnic tribe in Sambas district, West Kalimantan. Sambas regency is famous for a historical relic that is a legacy of the royal palace of the Sultan of Sambas. The population is majority Malay, and Malay language. Most of the language used is the same, but over the development period, the language of this tribe many absorb the language of the Indonesian language.

Malay language is very easy to understand, especially for people who hear people speak Betawi, because approximately Betawi Malay and the same, for example: Someone to talk, "Are you going?", If the Malay language "You're my son to the mane", (mention of "e" in the Malay language, while language Sambas ethnic sounding "e" like the sound of the word "catfish". Another uniqueness of Sambas Malay language is the pronunciation of double letters as in the Language [Malay] Berau in East Kalimantan, as in the word 'bassar' (meaning large in Indonesian).

Sambas Tribe is a new tribe that appears in the census in 2000 and represents 12% of the population of West Kalimantan, Sambas tribe previously incorporated into the Malay tribes on the census 1930. Relative to the possibility "Sambas Malay dialect" to increase its status from a tribal dialect became the language of Sambas Ethnic Languages. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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