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BeZhare: Sambas Tragedy

1. Background.
      a. Initial events triggered a case of theft of chickens by the Madurese people who were arrested and persecuted by ethnic Malay community.
      b. Events grow with the merger of hundreds of people attacked Madurese and Malay tribes that resulted in 3 people ethnic Malay died and two people injured.
      c. In addition, there were also cases of fights between ethnic Malay citizens kenek public transportation with public transportation passenger Madurese people who do not want to pay the fare.
      d. The result is a reciprocal return of ethnic Malay residents assisted deal of Dayak tribal Madura in the form of fighting, assault and vandalism.
      e. Events developed by the occurrence of riots, arson, vandalism, fights, persecution and killings of ethnic Malay residents assisted residents deal of Dayak tribal Madura, which extends around the stricken area.
      f. There has been displaced Madurese residents on a large scale. Then the issue is exploited by certain groups for their interests.
      g. This event is the tenth event since 1977 and it had occurred to other ethnic.

2. Chronology of events.

      a. On January 17, 1999 at 1:30 pm has been arrested and tortured chicken theft perpetrators Madurese residents by ethnic Malay residents.
      b. On January 19, 1999 approximately 200 people from Madura tribe attacked a tribal village Malay village.
      c. The next day a fight broke out between residents and citizens of the Madurese ethnic Malays for not paying the cost of public transportation. This incident developed into a fight between groups and between the villages accompanied by arson, vandalism and other acts of violence.
      d. Malay tribal Dayak assisted assault, arson, vandalism, assault and murder of citizens of the Madurese and then reply to each other.
      e. Events developed by the refugee residents of Madura in the amount large enough to Singkawang and Pontianak.
      f. Actions of security forces, among others:
            - Locate and prevent the spread of the incident,
            - Helping to evacuate the refugees, do a search and rescue Madurese who fled Forestry,
            - Helping the refugees shelter in place,
            - Hold a dialogue with community leaders and religious leaders, as well as
            - Make law enforcement efforts against criminals.
      g. Victims of the riots consisted of Sambas, 489 people died, 168 people were seriously injured, slightly injured 34 people, burned houses and damaged (3833), cars were burnt / damaged (12) and motor (9), the mosque / madrassa destroyed / burned ( 8), school vandalized (2), warehouse damaged (1) and residents displaced Madurese 29. 823 people.

3. Legal Process.
      a. Actors who arrested 208 people and in the judicial process as many as 59 people, consisting of ethnic Madurese 13 people, 42 people ethnic Malay and Dayak 4 people.
      b. Evidence seized 607 weapons fire assemblies, 2336 sharp weapons, 76 Molotov cocktails, 86 catapults, arrows 969, 8 and 8 bottles of medicine jar of gunpowder, 443 grain lead bullets, 79 bullets of iron pipes, 349 bullets and 441 grains setandard Armed Forces slug.

4. Conclusion.
      a. This event is rooted in part on the problem of education inequality, marginalization of particular interest in occupying a position in government, the economic gap between immigrants and indigenous tribes and a clash of cultural / social behavior.
      b. Mass riots triggered by the fighting between tribes of different individuals and then spread throughout the Sambas district.
      c. The presence of riot troops Penindak Bulk (housing), have helped solving this incident.
      d. Pluralistic nature of Indonesian society should always respect their customs and always maintain the unity of the Union.

TNI and the police always give priority to maintain the harmony of life which has enjoyed a pluralistic Indonesian society. Responding to events Sambas, troops and police have been carrying out its role as well pasilitator menyelaras to achieve common ground between the warring communities. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article was written and circulated by Guntur Suhada on BeZhare to your knowledge, please do not take and pass on any sites without the knowledge of this site. Or if necessary, you can pass it on any site to include the name of the author of this article. We appreciate the authenticity of writings that we make here. Thank you for your attention.


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