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BeZhare: Risk of Disease Due to Frequent Sitting on Toilet Seat

Imagining the toilet seat in a public place that has been used a lot of people often raises concerns about cleanliness. Some people are even afraid to use public toilets because it did not want exposed to germs and viruses that cause sexually transmitted diseases.

According to Dr. Sophia Yen, a senior researcher from Children's Hospital Lucile Packrad, concerns about transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) from the toilet seat is not grounded. He mentioned, viruses and bacteria that cause STDs can not survive outside the body for a long time, especially in cold temperatures and hard surfaces such as toilet seats.

"Besides viruses and bacteria that cause STDs do not exist in the urine. Therefore, the risk of contracting STDs from using public toilets are very small, even negligible," he said.

He added that to worry about is the transmission of disease through skin contact with skin or mouth contacts. A kiss for example. This activity can transmit herpes if there are lesions or open sores in the mouth.

IMS majority occur because of sexual relations, either through the vagina or anus. This is because viruses and bacteria are usually located in body fluids such as blood, semen, or mucous membranes. The eyes are touched by hands contaminated with infected fluid can also cause serious eye infections.

STI transmission can also occur through the delivery process when the baby through the birth canal of existing open wounds that can cause brain damage, blindness, and death.

To prevent STDs, stop sexual activity until illness or injury is completely healed. Use a condom during sexual intercourse because this can reduce the risk of infection. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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